Wednesday, June 12, 2013


I learned in my personal identity class that something is a good story when an obstacle is overcome.  Well, obstacles suck. And sometimes it seems like it's impossible to get passed them.

I've decided to run a half marathon at the end of August ( about 2 months away) with my friends.

I started running this year and was getting pretty good and got up to about 4.5 miles with mostly hills.

Of course, this can't be a good story without obstacles arising.

Let me explain.

I used to be a runner.  I ran cross country my freshman year of high school and then had to drop out part way through my sophomore year. LAME.  I want to say that I had some really good excuse like I fell off of a roof and broke both of my legs, but no.  My pitiful excuse is shin splints. womp womp.

Yeah, some people can just push through the pain, run them off, and eventually they get better or just go away.  Mine don't get better. They get worse and worse until I just can't run anymore.

Come to find out that my feet are seriously messed up with protruding bunions and flat feet :( which contributes to my tendency toward shin splints.

So, I got a good pair of orthotics from a podiatrist and have been able to run in really good saucony shoes as long as I have my custom made orthotics.  I still have pain while running and still get light shin splints but it is nothing compared to what it was in my cross country days.

Yay, obstacle conquered! Right? Nope.

I left my shoes in Portland 2 weeks ago AND they are getting pretty dang worn from all the miles I've put on them.  So, basically I've stopped running and don't really know what to do.  I need to get new shoes and new orthotics but at this point I'm pretty much broke and in debt.  I should probably just drive to Portland and get my dang (for lack of the word I want to use here) shoes.

Oh, but you thought that was my only dillemma??? muahahahaha! (yeah, I'm weird get over it.)  It's sadly not.

I am on the couch and my bunion is in serious pain ever since wearing heels to graduation. Man, I just had to look like Cinderella didn't I? haha ;)  So, I can't run anyway or hardly walk with ease at this point.  So, we'll see how this obstacle pans long it takes my foot to heal....whether I get my shoes back or not...and whether I can find new ones and get new orthotics.  I also feel like even with all of these things I could start training and once I pass 5 miles, my shins and feet will be in so much pain that I can't go on.  I feel like giving up.  Like not even registering for the half marathon...which another thing is 40 dollars (remember..I'm broke as a joke)

So, my story could potentially be really good all because of these roadblocks.  Right now, I'm waiting, practicing patience and waiting to heal and then I will decide the next step (haha get it?) from there.

I'm hoping and praying that in August I'll be a half marathon champ reading this post and laughing at myself for being so dramatic and focused in on my little circumstances.  Until next time, peace out. I'm going to go listen to my Donald Miller audio book in bed :)

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