Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Pour in Me to Overflow!

7 days ablaze is here again! It is day 3 of corporate fasting and prayer. I came across this song by Jeremy Riddle for the first time a couple days ago and it is completely my prayer for this week.

Spirit of the Living God come fall afresh on me 
Come wake me from my sleep 
Blow through the caverns of my soul 
Pour in me to overflow, 
to overflow

Jeremy Riddle-Fall Afresh

What power in this song! Lord, there have been so many times throughout this year that I have lost hope in You and become spiritually dead.  Awaken my soul to you and may I receive all that You offer so that I can give to others what I know is true and completely real!

Prayers/Words that have been prayed/spoken over me thus far...

-That I would ask Jesus what I want from Him---He wants to freely give to me.  He doesn't need anything from me!

-I am girded in strength and kindness..like the proverbs 31 woman-WALK IN IT. I struggle so much with self-doubt..uncertainty...insecurity.  No, insecurity.  This is who God made me to be!

-I have a natural/gifted special countenance about me..the way I carry myself-This has given me more confidence in the joy I have to offer to others and not to change this when it seems like I'm being judged negatively by people for it or when the question comes to my mind if I'm doing something wrong or need to act differently.

-Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him
and He will make straight your paths.
---Man, I have been leaning on my own understanding sooo much lately and getting rolled up in a ball of confusion about God and what He is saying and being filled with anxiety and condemnation.  I will trust the LORD.  He loves me.  He has my best interest in mind.  I want to align my heart with His.

-Men prayed over me as fathers pray over their daughters--Wow, this meant so much to me when an elder prayed for me yesterday at the 6am prayer meeting.  The Lord is constantly bringing Godly men to pray for me and it means so much because I can't remember the last time my earthly father prayed for me.

-That I would be more "vocal" in spreading His kingdom...Wow, exactly my hearts desire.  I know this is the Lord's heart for me.  My mouth holds me back so much...I feel I can't speak or don't know how to say things and then I sink back into my mind..God is working though.  I will cling to His truth and won't let fear hold me back!

-That I would dig my heels in deeper this week...Yesterday, I kinda felt like giving up at work.  It was so hard to be working and fasting at the same time..feeling light headed and sluggish and then feeling like a dumb dumb when I was being trained to close..and not remembering anything that my co-worker said to me or not knowing answers to questions she would ask me.  Also, my sister came home yesterday and it's just a completely different atmosphere when she is here.  It's like I have the toughest time connecting with God when she is here..that could be because I just love hanging out with her and don't want to go in my room...I like spending time with God in the living room haha and that is where we hang out together when she is home.  Also, there is no spiritual connection between us.  I love her to death and want her desperately to come into the kingdom.  I want her to desire Christ and most of the time I feel I do an absolutely terrible job and portraying His love for her.  Anyway, kind of went off on a tangent there.  I know God has more for me this week! He wants to surpass all of my expectations and I just need to keep leaning on Him and drawing from His ever-flowing resources.

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