Saturday, June 15, 2013

He gives and takes away

Man, my last post (about my current roadblocks in running a half marathon) was slightly depressing and I've felt convicted about it since writing.

God has given me more than I could ever deserve.  He blessed me with being able to run A LOT this year and has given me legs and feet.  Hallelujah!  Even though they are not perfect, He has given me ability to fight through pain and run anyway.

I want to have a heart that chooses to say, "Lord, blessed be your name" no matter what I have or lack.  So, I'm choosing today to say that, "He gives and takes away but blessed be the name of the Lord!" Listening to the popular christian worship song last night before bed brought me to this place.  I believe He spoke to me through that song about this particular situation.

So, even if He never heals my legs or my feet, and even if he never provides me with new shoes or new orthotics, I will bless Him.  I will trust in Him and I won't leave His side.

As my left foot continues to heal from the damage my heel-wearing did to it last friday night, I'm using this time to re-establish my quiet times and Sabbath days with the Lord.  I never want running to be a higher priority than Him.

I will be able to get my old running shoes back tomorrow since I'm going to Portland to visit my dad for Father's Day.  I'm very excited and hopeful that I can get to training soon!  Right now, I'm trusting that it will be 'when' I start training rather than 'if' I can start training... :)

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