Wednesday, September 7, 2011

In complete AWE

Look at what God has made. He calls each of the stars by name! (Psalm 147:4)

God is soooo great!!!!!! How can we, as tiny little nothing humans think we know ANYTHING about anything???? He is greater than we can comprehend and we are a lot smaller too. We so often reduce God to being a fuzzy warm feeling or a calm breeze. We squeeze Him into our lives when it's convenient. We take control of our own lives thinking we know what's best for us when we are seriously less than a speck of dust compared to the vastness of the universe. Not to mention, our view of everything is like tunnel vision. And despite our narrow thinking and messed up views about God, He has this incredible love for us that surpasses understanding and that no human can give. The God of the universe humbled himself to the point of coming into our speck of an evil world. He demonstrated this perfect humility when he became the smallest human being he could become in Mary's womb, lived a life without his divine powers, faced every temptation possible, hung naked with nails in his hands, gasping for breath, being mocked, ridiculed, spit on, and rejected by ALL, on a wooden cross. All so that we could be free from sin and death! So that we could know and experience his perfect relentless love and live eternally with Him- a perfect incomprehensible God who has nothing but good for us.  This is the one and only holy God who desires for us to be immersed in His love.  He is pouring it out on us like rain.  Lets come out from under the awning and soak it in!!!

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