Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Three Days.

I am fasting for three days this week.  Trust me, this wasn't planned and I really didn't want to.  Who wants to starve for three days? not me.  Anyhow, I woke up Monday morning and God told me to..so, what's a girl to do?

Day 1:

I spent the morning in worship and seeking and asking for a vision.  I just really want to experience God like I never have before.  I am longing for something that I know for absolute fact that is not from my stupid imagination, but really GOD speaking.  He has given me things like this before, but like all humans, I forget and start believing God is not who He says He is.  Turns out, I didn't get a vision.  I knew though that I had a wall up that was blocking God and I realize it was a mistake telling Him what to do instead of asking Him how He wants to reveal Himself to me.

Later that day, I was praying and worshiping and God spoke directly to me. No doubt it was Him.  He asked me to get up and go out on Campus and talk to random people about Him.  I curled up in fear, begging Him not to ask me to do that.  I tried to convince myself that I just made it up in my mind and He really wasn't speaking to me.  But boy, did we have a conversation.  It was the picture of Jonah right in the middle of frat row.  So, I layed down contemplating why I was so dang afraid.  I was like paralyzed with fear.  So, finally I pleaded with God, " Can I just go out and pray for people I see?"  And so, that's what I did.  I know God had something better for me planned but I settled for less out of my STUPID fear.

It amazes me how I can be completely starving and yet still not completely trust God.  He is my only source of strength and yet I listen to and believe satan's lies and blatantly tell God "no".

So, I go out on this walk and pass the same house I walk by everyday.  There were a couple guys on the porch drinking beers.  I smile at them.
One guy, " How are you?"
"Pretty good. How are you guys doing?"
This turns into a short conversation and the guys invite me over for a bonfire sometime.  I thank them and leave telling them to have a good day!

I left with a spring in my step.  I get super excited when I talk to people that I don't know.  Probably because fear keeps me from doing it most of the time.  Also, I am just realizing more and more how we are all living in fear of being invisible to one another.  No wonder it is so exciting when we get to know people and share love. Reality check.  We are all just people, all the same, and all part of God's great plan.

Anyway, I prayed earnestly for them as I left that they would come to know God and experience Him and that any false beliefs that they have about Him would be torn down. 

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