Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Day 3- Fighting for LOVE and second chances

I am WEARY! God, help me get through the day. I am so hungry.

I wake up this morning viewing God in a new light.  I watched the documentary, "Furious Love" the night before and it totally impacted my faith.  I learned and took to heart three very important truths.

1) There is an intense war going on in the spiritual realm that all believers are apart of.
2) Demons are very real and some really terrifying messed up things happen in this world every single day.
3) God's love is more important than ANYTHING else.

So, I wake up with the mindset that I am going to war today!  And I will fight against the spiritual powers of the dark world with the spirit of God in me!

Background info- There is a guy in my chem class who God has completely put on my heart to speak to and I have a couple times but he seems very isolated and I always have to go out of my way if I want to say anything to him.  He claims to be "a firm believer in God, but he is stuck in the things of this world like drunkenness and partying.

So, I leave home for class and I unexpectedly see him walking across the street.  I am completely caught off guard and get too scared to turn around and walk the opposite direction of my class to talk to him (my thought- "that would be so weird, especially since he doesn't want to talk to me anyway")  So I keep walking slowly, thinking maybe he will come up behind me... until it is too late for me to take any kind of action.  I go to class full of regret wondering how I am going to fight this war of love when fear is so crippling.

For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.
2 Timothy 1:7

After class, I ask God for a second chance. This week is the week for God's grace, that's for sure.  Man, I'm sorry God.  Praise Him for giving us second chances! If He hadn't, this week would just be an utter failure on my part.  Wow, my whole life would be a dark pit of failure if it weren't for God's mercy.  Lord, please help me to be a woman who takes advantage of the first chances because of your perfect love!

Anyway, I sit on my porch after class praying for boldness and strength and hoping the guy will walk by my house so I can talk to him..still afraid but willing to do it anyway.

The second I finished my prayer I see him coming down the sidewalk right in front of the house.  I get up without a thought and run over to him and ask if I can walk with him for a little bit.  He takes out his earphone and says, yeah.  As we walk it is a little awkward and we just talk about class and how he was excited that he got on the basketball team. Then, I blurt out, "you grew up in a christian home, right?" He looks at me a little caught off guard and says, yeah yeah.  Then I ask, "So, what do you believe about God?"
"I believe that Jesus is my savior and that he died for my sins and I believe everything in the Bible."
In my mind I'm thinkin', "nice sunday school answer there boy!" lol
Then I was a little quiet and said that's really awesome:)
He continued and said, I mean I still sin but......
I reassured him that everyone does...
Then I said with love in my heart, "I believe that God is trying to get a hold of you.  He wants to transform your life and he has incredible plans for you.  I'm not sure exactly how God is going to speak to you but I just know that He will"  He kinda smiled and said okay...thank you.

I left knowing that the Lord would speak and praying that He would the minute the guy walked into his apartment.

Wow, it is exhilarating doing the Lord's will even though I kinda felt like a freak but WHATE'ER!

Ephesians 6:12

12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

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