Wednesday, November 23, 2016

What am I doing here?

What am I doing here (Written April, 2016)

I came here, 10 states away from home, in August. I was full of excitement, full of dreams, full of passions, full of hope. Now, it's April and I'm sucked dry. I want to go home. I don't care about getting my Master's degree. I am not enjoying life. I don't like it here. I feel like an Israelite wandering through the desert and I've lost sight of how I got here and where I am going. I can't see my purpose. I am living life as a victim. Why is this happening? Well, I got dumped, rejected, kicked to the curb by the man I thought I would spend the rest of my life with. I put all my eggs in that basket and lost sight of my own, he and my dreams are gone and I don't want to go on anymore.

The truth is...

The Lord brought me to Ohio.

The Lord has called me to be a Dietitian.

The Lord has brought me to live in this home.

The Lord is good.

The Lord has never left me nor forsaken me.

The Lord has given me a safe place to live.

The Lord has given me wonderful opportunities to learn and grow.

The Lord has given me a great gym to workout at.

The Lord has given me good professors who are passionate.

The Lord has brought lots of people in my life who care about me.

The Lord has given me time to do my homework.

The Lord has a plan for my life.

The Lord loves me, unconditionally.

The Lord lifts my head.

The Lord catches my tears.

The Lord is faithful.

The Lord sees.

The Lord knows.

The Lord is teaching me through the difficult things.

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