Wednesday, September 5, 2012

life transitions kill me.

It is currently 5:12 am.  I have only been getting about 6 hours (or less) of sleep every night for the past week and I feel like I'm dying!  It's summer for crying out loud and I have plenty of time to sleep.  My body just won't allow such a thing.  Last night, I went to bed at 10 thinking I would get a long catching up on my rest...but no. My body decides to wake up at 3 and stay awake for the next..who knows how long.  Can you tell I'm bitter? Please, Lord have mercy on me and help me go to sleep.

So, yeah.  The cause of this lack of sleep is my current life transition.  I'm moving out of Charis on Saturday(3 days) and I am just OVER to the WHELMED.  I have a million things on my mind.  It just snuck up on me so fast.  I mean, I'm so ready to move and super excited, It's just that I don't handle change well and I suffer terribly when I'm not in a regular routine.

As I'm writing this, I'm realizing that I need to just lay everything down at Jesus' feet.  Trying to do life by myself without him SUCKS!

Dear Father God,

Please take all of these burdens I'm trying to bear myself.  Please help me to know that you are my strength when I'm weak.  Please help me to seek you first no matter what "I have to do" for each day.  Help me to trust you in this transition and to recover from my sleep deprivation.  I give all of my worries to you right now.  Thank you that you love me and you care.  Thank you for being with me through all of life's changes.  I love you.  In Jesus' name, Amen.

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